Michele Saporiti
Ricercatore di Filosofia del Diritto, Università di Milano-Bicocca

Date and place of birth: 1st February 1984, Varese, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Working address in Italy: Department of Legal Sytems
University of Milano-Bicocca, Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo1, 20126, Milan, Italy.
Working address in France: Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (EPHE-CNRS),
59-61 rue Pouchet, 75849 Paris Cedex 17, France.
Telephone: +39 (0)2 64484060.
E-Mail: michele.saporiti@unimib.it



Research Fellow in Philosophy of Law, Department of Legal Systems, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.

Post-Doc at École pratique des hautes études, Paris-Sorbonne, France, in the laboratory: Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (EPHE-CNRS).

Adjunct Professor of Philosophy of Law, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy.



2003 Scientific Baccalaureate, Archbishop’s College “Fulvio Bentivoglio”, Tradate, Italy.

2003-2006 Bachelor of Laws, University of Insubria, Como, Italy.

2006-2009 Master of Laws, University of Insubria, Como, Italy.

2009-2013 Ph.D in Philosophy of Law, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.

2014 Summer school on Law and Logic, European University Institute- Harvard Law School, Fiesole, Italy.

2014 ongoing Post-Doctoral Diploma in Religious Sciences, École pratique des hautes études, Paris-Sorbonne, France.

In details

Archbishop’s College “Fulvio Bentivoglio”, Tradate, Italy 2003: Scientific Baccalaureate
Final grade: 100/100

Faculty of Law, University of Insubria, Como, Italy
• Bachelor of Laws, 19th December 2006
Final grade: 110/110 cum laude equivalent to a First
• Master of Laws, 30th March 2009
Final grade: 110/110 cum laude equivalent to a First.

Doctoral Studies
Doctoral School in Legal Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy

Date of defence Subject
Thesis title

Tutor Language Jury members

Jury’s judgment on the research

21st of February 2013 Philosophy of Law
La coscienza disubbidiente. Ragioni, tutele e limiti dell’obiezione di coscienza (A disobedient conscience. Reasons, protections and limits of conscientious objection)
Prof. Patrizia Borsellino Italian
Prof. Pierluigi Chiassoni (University of Genoa); Prof. Carla Faralli (University of Bologna); Prof. Marco Mancarella (University of Salento)
Excellent by unanimous decision

Post-Doctoral Studies
In October 2014, fully admitted (Admis en liste principale) at the École pratique des hautes études (Paris-Sorbonne) for the Post-Doctoral Diploma in Religious Sciences (Diplôme Post-Doctoral en Sciences Religieuses). This highly specialized thesis will be written exclusively in English.

Subject Thesis title

Research Director

Political Theory - Philosophy of International Law and Politics.
Reshaping the Sovereign. The concept of sovereignty and contemporary religions as global powers.
Prof. Philippe Portier (EPHE-Science Po)

My researches follow two main guidelines:
• Law and Ethics: conscientious objection, resistance in democracy, family and homoparentality, pluralism and laity, Bioethics and Biolaw, analytical metaethics;

• Philosophy of International Law and Politics: theory of sovereignty, law and power, global religions and globalization, fundamental and human rights, political theology.

Doctoral scholarship
1st January 2010 – 31st December 2012: three-year doctoral scholarship financed by University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan.

Post-doctoral fellowship
1st January 2014 – 31st December 2015: two-year post-doctoral fellowship in Philosophy of Law financed by University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan.

Title of the project

Scientific Responsible Language

Law and Power in the dynamics of sovereignty. A theoretical-legal study in the age of globalization.
Prof. Patrizia Borsellino English


October 2011- March 2012 Doctorant invité at Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (EPHE-CNRS), Paris, France. Tutor: Prof. Philippe Portier (GSRL director, Directeur d’études at École pratique des hautes études, Paris- Sorbonne; Professor at Science Po, Paris).


2014-2015 Course of Philosophy of Law, University of Bergamo, Bergamo.

2013-2014 Lectures in the Master in Bioethics and Biolaw for the clinical practice, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan.

2013-2014 Seminar with title: Philosophy of International Law; Professorship of Philosophy of Law with Prof. Patrizia Borsellino, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan.

2013-2014 Lecture on Disobedience in democracy: a legal philosophical perspective, in the cycle of lectures organized by the Doctoral School of Legal Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan.

2012-2013 Lecture on a specific topic within the course of Bioethics: Conscientious objection: a theoretical-legal enquiry, University of Insubria, Varese.
2012-2013 Lecture on a specific topic within the course of Bioethics: Conscientious objection and the beginning of life , University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan.

2011-2012 Lecture “Esiste la famiglia naturale?”: une méthodologie de recherche,
Institut Catholique de Paris, Faculté de Sciences Sociales et Economiques, Paris.

2011-2012 Lectures on a specific topic within the course of Philosophy of Law:
Congnitivism and non-congnitivism in Ethics, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan.

2010-2011/2011-2012 Seminar with title: Does the natural family exist?; Professorship of Philosophy of Law with Prof. Patrizia Borsellino, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.


• Michele Saporiti (2010), Esiste la famiglia naturale? (Does the natural family exist?), Mimesis, Milan, pp. 121.
• Michele Saporiti (2014), La coscienza disubbidiente. Ragioni, tutele e limiti dell’obiezione di coscienza (A disobedient conscience. Reasons, protections and limits of conscientious objection), Milano-Bicocca School of Law Collection, Giuffrè, Milan, pp. XVIII-214.

Book editions
• Patrizia Borsellino, Silvia Salardi, Michele Saporiti (eds), L’eredità di Uberto Scarpelli (The philosophical heritage of Uberto Scarpelli), Milano-Bicocca School of Law Collection, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015.

• Michele Saporiti (2010), “Riconoscere le unioni omosessauli?” argomenti alla prova (Should we recognize same-sex unions? A test bench), in Notizie di POLITEIA, 100, 2010, pp. 142-151;
• Michele Saporiti (2012), Cultura e anti-cultura: paradigmi a confronto (Culture and Anti-culture: comparing two paradigms), in Notizie di POLITEIA, 107, 2012, pp. 25-31;
• Michele Saporiti (2013), Se tutti fossero obiettori? (What if everybody were objectors ?), in Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica, 2, 2013, pp. 1-12;
• Michele Saporiti (2013),“Au nom de l’État”. Conscientious objection to same sex marriage in France, in Biodiritto, 2, 2013, pp. 25-35;
• Michele Saporiti (2014), Omogenitorialità, famiglia e «mero pregiudizio» (Homoparentality, family and «bare prejudice»), in Ragion Pratica, 42, 2014, pp. 247-272;
• Michele Saporiti (2014), Norberto Bobbio : oltre la metateoria (Norberto Bobbio: beyond the Metatheory), in Patrizia Borsellino, Norberto Bobbio. Metateorico del diritto, Maggioli, Rimini, pp. XIII-XXX ;
• Michele Saporiti (2014), Morale, diritto, politica: le dinamiche interne alle dimensioni dell’etica (Morals, Politics and Law: the internal dynamics in Ethics), in Patrizia Borsellino, Silvia Salardi, Michele Saporiti (eds), L’eredità di Uberto

Scarpelli, Milano-Bicocca School of Law Collection, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015, pp. 153-166.


Critical reviews
• Book review of Luigi Ferrajoli, Poteri selvaggi. La crisi della democrazia italiana (Savage Powers. The democracy crisis in Italy), Laterza, Rome-Bari, 2011, in ReF, Recensioni Filosofiche, May 2013, online: http://www.recensionifilosofiche.info/2013/05/ferrajoli-luigi-poteri-selvaggi- la.html.
• Book review of Chiara Lalli, C’è chi dice no. Dalla leva all’aborto. Come cambia l’obiezione di coscienza (From military conscription to abortion. How conscientious objection changes), Il Saggiatore, Milan, 2011, in Notizie di POLITEITA,109, 2013, pp. 117-118;
• Contro ogni riduzionismo (Against every Reductionism), critical comment on Stefano Rodotà, Il diritto di avere diritti (The right to have rights), Laterza, Rome-Bari, 2012, in Notizie di POLITEIA, n.112/2013, pp. 109-114;
• I diritti attraverso il diritto (Rights through Law), critical comment on Luigi Ferrajoli, La democrazia attraverso i diritti (Democracy through rights), Laterza, Rome-Bari, 2013, Notizie di POLITEIA, 116, 2014, pp. 82-89.

Ongoing publications

Book editions
• Michele Saporiti (ed.), Norberto Bobbio. Rigore intellettuale ed impegno civile (Noberto Bobbio. Intellectual rigour and civic engagement), Bicocca Law and Philosophy Studies, Ledizioni, Milan, forthcoming in summer 2015.

• Michele Saporiti (2013), For a general legal theory of conscientious objection,
forthcoming in Ratio Juris, 3, 2015.
• Michele Saporiti (2015), J’objecte! Obiezione di coscienza e matrimonio egualitario (J’objecte! Conscientious objection and same-sex marriage), in GenIUS, forthcoming in 2015. Accepted.
• Michele Saporiti (2015), Introduzione. Il rigore intellettuale come forma di impegno civile (Introduction. Intellettual rigour as a form of civic engagement), in ID. (ed.), Norberto Bobbio. Rigore intellettuale ed impegno civile (Noberto Bobbio. Intellectual rigour and civic engagement), Bicocca Law and Philosophy Studies, Ledizioni, Milan, forthcoming in summer 2015.

• 2015 Sofia, Bulgaria (27 March): presentation at the 7th Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Political and Social Theorists, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Law. Title of the presentation: The concept of sovereignty and the transnational challenge: the case of global religions.

• 2015 Paris, France (13 March): presentation in the research laboratory Groupe Societés Religions Laïcités (EPHE-CNRS), CNRS Pouchet, Paris. Séminaire Post-doc 2014-2015: “Étudier les faits religieux : théories et méthodes au carrefour des sciences sociales”, session 3 (Les champs disciplinaires devant les faits religieux). Title of the presentation: Souveraineté et Global Powers : la place des religions.
• 2015 Milan, Italy (10 February): presentation at the Casa dei diritti (House of rights), organized by the Municipality of Milan: “L’obiezione di coscienza una questione sempre aperta (Conscientious objection: an open debate). Title of the presentation: L’obiezione di coscienza tra strumentalizzazioni e pretesti (Conscientious objection: political manipulation and pretexts).
• 2014 Milan, Italy (27 May): presentationat at the CeSEP (Center of Public Ethics), University “Vita-Salute”, San Raffaele. Title of the presentation: Diritto alla salute e diritto alle cure: due facce della stessa medaglia? (Right to health and medical cares: two sides of the same coin?).
• 2014 Como, Italy (27 March): presentation at Como city Library, organized by Como Bar Association. Title of the presentation: L'omogenitorialità: profili giuridici e sociologici (Homoparentality: legal and sociological aspects).
• 2013 Naples, Italy (20 November): presentation at the 9th Unesco Chair in Bioethics World Conference: “Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law”, organized by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in cooperation with Ethics Committee for Bioethical Activities “Carlo Romano”, International office for Bioethics Research of the Univerity of Naples Federico II. Title of the presentation: Conscience and Bioethics: what if everybody were objectors?
• 2013 Milan, Italy (11 October): presentation at the Conference “L’eredità di Uberto Scarpelli”, organized by the Department of Legal Systems and the Department of National and International Legal Sciences, University of Milano- Bicocca. Title of the presentation: Morale, diritto, politica: le dinamiche interne alle dimensioni dell’etica (Morals, Politics and Law: the internal dynamics in Ethics).
• 2012 Milan, Italy (3 June): presentation at the public event “Pensieri laici sulle famiglia” (Laic thoughts on family), organized by city civil rights associations. Title of the presentation: Famiglia: realtà naturale o prodotto di una naturalizzazione? (The idea of family: natural or naturalized concept?).
• 2012 Milan, Italy (31 October): presentation at the annual seminars organized by the Doctoral School of Legal Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca. Title of the presentation: La coscienza disubbidiente: un’indagine filosofico-giuridica (A legal-philosophical inquiry on conscientious objection).
• 2011 Paris, France (9 December): presentation at the Atelier des doctorants of the Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (EPHE-CNRS) at the Centre National de la recherche scientifique (Puchet). Title of the presentation: Conscientious objection: a philosophical and juridical reading.
• 2011 Rome, Italy (4 June): presentation at the national event organized by several Italian cultural and civil rights associations. Title of the presentation: Quale famiglia?Quale natura ? (Which family? Which Nature?).
• 2011 Milan, Italy (25 May): presentation at the Società Umanitaria of Milan in the cultural event organized by Andersen International School of Milan: “Portraits of families”. Title of presentation: La società naturale da Rousseau alla Costituente

(The idea of ‘natural society’: from Rousseau to the Italian Constitutional Assembly).
• 2011 Milan, Italy (11 February): presentation in the cultural season organized by Booklet bookshop and by the Bar Association “Rete Lenford”. Title of the presentation: La natura, la cultura e il diritto (Nature, Culture and Law).
• 2010 Milan, Italy (27 Febraury): discussant to Persio Tincani’s book: “Le nozze di Sodoma” (Sodoma’s marriage), organized within the Analytical Philosophy and Law Seminars, University of Milano-Bicocca.


Ongoing oral presentation
• 2015, Washington D.C., USA (27 July- 1 August). Presentation at the XXVII World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Georgetown University. Title of the presentation: A disobedient conscience. For a general legal theory of conscientious objection as a positive right.


• Member of the research project PRIN 2007-2009 (national project financed by the Ministry of Education and Research). Title of the project: Etica di ruolo e figure di giurista. La deontologia delle professioni giuridiche nello spazio pubblico europeo (Ethics and jurists. Professional ethics in legal professions in the European public area).
• Member of the research group FAR 2010 (project financed by the University of Milano-Bicocca). Title of the project: Diritti in conflitto: quale tutela nella cornice dello Stato laico? (Rights in conflict: what protection in the framework of a non-confessional State ?), University of Milano-Bicocca. Coordinator: Prof. Patrizia Borsellino.
• Member of the research group FAR 2011(project financed by the University of Milano-Bicocca). Title of the project : Scelte individuali e decisioni pubbliche nella materia eticamente sensisbili all’interno delle società liberaldemocratiche (Individual choices and public decisions in ethical, sensitive issues within liberal- democratic societies), University of Milano-Bicocca. Coordinator: Prof. Patrizia Borsellino.


As member of the scientific committee
• 1st Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Law: Norberto Bobbio. Rigore intellettuale ed impegno civile (Noberto Bobbio. Intellectual rigour and civic engagement), Milan, 29 May 2014, organized by the Doctoral School in Legal Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca.
• Conference: L’eredità di Uberto Scarpelli (The philosophical heritage of Uberto Scarpelli), Milan, 11 Ocotber 2013, organized by the Department of Legal

Systems and the Department of National and International Legal Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca.

As a member of the organisation staff
• Conference: Obiezione di coscienza: prospettive a confronto (Conscientious objection: compared perspectives), Milan 27- 28 May 2010, as conclusion of the project PRIN (national project financed by the Ministry of Education and Research). Title of the project: The impact of the new biomedical an IT technologies on the deontology and practice of jurists.

• Member of the Società Italiana di Filosofia del diritto (Italian Association of Philisophy of Law);
• Member of the international research center Religion, Law and Economy in the Mediterranean Area, University of Insubria, Como (Italy). Director: Prof. Alessandro Ferrari;
• Associated member of Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (EPHE-CNRS), Paris. Director: Prof. Philippe Portier.

• Since 2010 reviewer of the online journal Ref. Recensioni Filosofiche: www.recensionifilosofiche.info. Editor in Chief: Prof. Andrea Rossetti (University of Milano-Bicocca).
• Since 2014 editorial assistant of the legal internet portal devoted to family and gender issues Articolo29: www.articolo29.it. Editor in Chief: Marco Gattuso (judge).
• Since 2015 editorial assistant of the collection: Bicocca Law and Philosophy Studies, Ledizioni, Milan. Editor in Chief: Prof. Patrizia Borsellino (University of Milano-Bicocca).
• From 2015 editorial assistant of Notizie di POLITEIA. Rivista di etica e scelte pubbliche. Editor in Chief: Emilio D’Orazio.


Newpaper interview
• 20 October 2011: interview on the local newspaper L’Eco di Bergamo: “Saporiti: un vuoto normative impone di riflettere sulla famiglia” (Saporiti: a normative emptiness obliges us to think about family)
Radio interview
• 9 November 2010: radio interview about my book (2010) “Esiste la famiglia naturale?” (Does natural family exist?) on Radio Popolare, in the radio programma L’altro martedì.
• 25 June 2014: radio interview about my book (2014) “La coscienza disubbidiente. Ragioni tutele e limiti dell’obiesione di coscienza” (A disobedient conscience. Reasons, protections and limits of conscientious objection) on Radio 3 (RAI) in the radio programme Fahrenheit.


Italian English

French German

Mother tongue
Writing, listening, conversation:
C 1.2
Writing, listening, conversation:
Writing, listening, conversation:
A 2

Office (Word, Excell, Powerpoint)