Notizie di Politeia
Anno XXV - N. 94 - 2009
, pp. 160 , €15




Novelty or disguise? Regulation and Policy-making in Nanotechnology

Edited by Giorgia Guerra and Mariassunta Piccinni


Addressing the Uncertainties of Nanotechnologies: Some Perspectives for a Future Research Agenda,
by Giorgia Guerra and Mariassunta Piccinni

Part I – Nanotechnology and Regulation

Regulating Nanotechnologies: A Matter of Some Uncertainty, by Roger Brownsword

Regulating Nanotechnologies: Towards the Interplay of Hard and Soft Law, by Elena Pariotti

Part II – Regulatory Issues in Specific Contexts

 Governing Nanomedicine: Learning from Regulatory Deficiencies of European Medical Technology Regulation,
by Bärbel Dorbeck-Jung

Regulation of Health Related Nano Applications in India: Exploring the Limitations of the Current Regulatory Design, by Nidhi Srivastava and Nupur Chowdhury

 Regulatory Design for New Technologies: Spaghetti Junction or Bauhaus Principles for Regulating Innovative Cosmetic Products, by Geert van Calster and Diana M. Bowman

 Nanotechnology Patents: Is there a Need for Special Rules?, by Daniela Marrani

Part III – Regulation and the Policy Framework

Oversight of Nanotechnologies: Why this is the Right Time for Voluntary Standards of Care, by Vivian Weil

Toward a Policy Framework on Nanomedicine: a Canadian Perspective, by Lucie M. Bucci and Michèle Stanton-Jean

The Governance of Nanotechnology: Comparing Nanotechnology Policy-making in Finland and the United Kingdom, by Kajsa-Stina Magnusson

How Can Regulatory Regimes Shape the Direction of Nanomaterials Innovation?,
by Patrick van Zwanenberg, Ismael Rafols, Molly Morgan, Paul Nightingale and Adrian Smith